Our Pillers
Fast project completion, Well-defined software development process, tailored as per customer requirement, Customer-centered project managment, Efficient Communication, Team cohesion, experience, company, culture and harmony, Time line achivement and In-time delivery and Competitive price

A wide range of IT experience, flexible polices, efficient project management and competitive price distinguishes us from others those are offering the same.
Marketing strategy is the process that allows the organization to focus on available resources and utilize them in the best possible manner to boost sales and gain leverage over competitors.
The risks are identified, they are analysed to identify the qualitative and quantitative impact of the risk on the project so that appropriate steps can be taken to mitigate them
Capital market is referred to as a place where saving and investments are done between capital suppliers and those who are in need of capital.
DataDss has a wide range of software packages. We provide integrated office automation packages as well as Decision Support System (DSS), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Management Information System (MIS).
-> Human Resource Management System.
-> Accounts Management System.
-> Inventory Management System.
-> Sales Management System.
-> Purchase Management System.
-> Sales Management System.
-> Employee Information.
-> Nominee Information.
-> Designation.
-> Employee Old Data.
-> Tracking.
-> Employee Promotion.
-> Purchase & stock Management.
-> Warehouse Management.
-> Requisiition to purchase and transfer request.
-> Transfer goods after verification.
-> Product Current Stock.
-> Damaged Record.
-> Dealer Management.
-> Purchase Management.
-> Purchase Check IN.
-> Inventory Management.
-> WareHouse Management.
-> Product Chechout.
-> Serial wise Sales & Record.
-> Sales Accounting.
-> Sales Return.
-> Damage Control.
-> Product Information.
-> Purchase Information.
-> Purchase Return.
-> Sales Invoice.
-> Sales Return.
-> Stock Information.
-> Due Collection.
-> Employee Earning Setup.
-> Employee Deduction Setup.
-> Salary Process.
-> Bonus Process.
-> Food & Conveyance Bill.
-> Overtime Bill.
-> Loan.
-> Advance.
-> PF Contribution.
-> Chart of Account.
-> General Ledger.
-> Voucher Management.
-> Recieve Payment of Cash and Bank.
-> Trail Balance.
-> Income Statement.
-> Cost Center.
-> Balance Sheet.
-> Student Information.
-> Teacher Information.
-> Attendence System.
-> Class Routine.
-> Exmanination System.
-> Fee Collection System.
-> Student Guide System.
-> Notification System.
-> Employee Profile.
-> Table & Space Managemet.
-> Available food list with price.
-> Sales order & process request to kitchen.
-> Bill Process and invoice.
-> Preoidic And transition resister.
-> Preodic income & expense register.
-> Paitent Information Managemet.
-> Doctor Profile Management.
-> Prescribed medical test record.
-> Aviliable test & price of services.
-> Calculate Sales Commission.
-> Customer Due Collection.
-> Preodic sales & transaction records.
-> Invoice & Register.
Have A Questions?
If you have any questions or would like us to clarify anything else, please, contract with us. we always glad to help in any way we can.